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Gita Hudson is in seated position and wearing a white hacoba top and is painted her a crimson semi-abstract image. She is engrossed in her work, holding the brush in one hand and the other resting on a table.

Trained in Art with a Master’s degree in Psychology, Gita’s works have been part of many exhibitions since early 90’s. Highly influenced by temple art dominated by the colour crimson, her paintings are semi-abstract with the suggestion of a female form, architecture, musical instruments, or some combination of these elements. She has more than 20 solo exhibitions and 50 group exhibitions to her credit.

She has been part of many art seminars and art camps around the globe. Her international shows were in London, South Africa, South Korea and at the Gandhi Memorial Centre in Washington DC.

Select Exhibitions

Gandhi Memorial Centre, Washington DC, 2023

Indigo and Laburnum Galleries, Chennai 2023

Whitefield Art Collective, Bangalore, 2023

GamJakkot Studio, South Korea, 2022

Kasturi Sreenivas Gallery - Coimbatore, 2022

Bangaluru Art Fair  2022

Aurodhan Gallery - Auroville

India Art festival - Bangalore, 2022

INKO Centre - Chennai, 2022

IGNCA - New Delhi, 2021

Artworld - Chennai, 2020

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Almost all her works are oil on canvas


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Temple Paintings

| Murals Revisited

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Mixed Media

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